St James the Great RC Primary School
School Expansion with Early Years, Library and New Build Halls
Client: St James The Great Roman Catholic Primary School, Croydon
Values £450k & £500k
Role Peter was Project Architect and Project Manager from Inception to Completion whilst in his Role as a Director at between 2012 and 2017
Dates 2014 Early Years, 2017 New Build Halls
Special Attributes: New Build Halls uses Cassette Timber Framing system to create ‘green’ fasttrack build solution.
St James the Great was originally a 1FE primary school which has been expanded over the years to 2FE, consequently St James the Great suffer from space shortages to key areas.
Library and Early Years Unit. Peter’s brief was to create a dedicated library and provide solutions to achieve a cohesive Foundation Stage Unit at the School. Peter successfully completed the design and obtained the grant funding for both projects from the EFA (Education Funding Agency) and delivered these on site.
The performing arts Halls project is to add a new hall block & ancillary spaces to St James the Great RC Primary School. This will give the school it’s second hall to meet DfE guidelines and will therefore address the loss of curriculum hall time, due to the provision of Universal Free School Meals and the historic issue with the original building, which does not have a second hall and the existing main hall being undersized. The build will provide appropriate facilities to fully meet the curriculum covering physical education, music and performing arts and also dining free school meals. The scheme went through extensive Planning Pre-Application advice stage and Planning Stages with Sport England before gaining approval. Peter secured funding from the EFA’s Condition Improvement Fund Scheme.
Peter set about achieving a fast track cost effective build solution and discussed the scheme with a number of the country’s leading Education Timber Cassette builders before letting the contract to TGEscapes.